The series consists of hollow plaster casts. These sealed environments contain freeze-dried and vacuum packed food ingredients as well as tools.
Whilst the outer shells serve a practical or decorative purpose, the concealed contents bear a more fundamental potential. Each capsule holds a special meal, ready to be prepared at any precious moment in our future lives.
"They are monoliths made from eternal matter, yet they are fragile, they live till a moment of inadvertence, festivity, or hardship. Then they shatter and free their contents to allow for a special feast."
Below images of DROP Crêpe Suzette Edition (Summer 2021):
Year: 2021
Material: Plaster cast, dehydrated
and vacuum packed egg, milk, butter; vacuum packed flour,
rum, orange-sugar. Best before 2060
Dimensions: 20cm x 27cm x 4cm
Dish: Crêpe Suzette
All meals are composed by the Vienna based food lab "das Vulgo".
Find more food related projects in the recently established collaboration between das Vulgo and breadedescalope: CUCINA ALCHIMIA.