… reverses the idea of the souvenir as a symbol & need.
It’s not taken along, but left behind, not hoarded, but spread, not a prey, but a sacrifice; It’s not a proxy of a journey, it demands discovery; It doesn’t represent longing, but experience, not a place, but a person; We turned the exhibition into an expedition.
If you want to see the result, search for it.
"a remembrance or memory," from Fr. souvenir, from O.Fr., noun use of souvenir (v.) "to remember, come to mind," from L. subvenire "come to mind," from sub- "up" + venire "to come" (see venue). Meaning "token of remembrance, memento"- Etymology dictionary
Our work started by turning the previous concept upside down. Problematic about the souvenir is that it loses its representational meaning in the course of time and is someday just another dust catcher, which is, by the loss of relation, also losing its right to exist. The souvenir solidifies and materializes the experience of the journey. To leave without a memento endangers the memory of experience. But how does it threaten, if you leave something behind? - Or find something that was specially hidden for you?
"The miracle of collecting, after all, is that what you really collect is always yourself."
- Jean Baudrillard put in Le système des objets (1968)
The concept of the Resouvenir reverses the purpose of the souvenir as a symbol & need.
It's not taken along, it's left behind.
It's not hoarded, but spread, not a prey taken but a sacrifice left behind;
It's not a representative of a journey, it demands future discovery;
It doesn't represent exotic longing, but individual experience; It doesn't represent a place, but a person;
The Resouvenir is an opportunity, which is conceived to hide and protect a collection of individual items. Its purpose is to conserve and share memory. The idea is to leave behind, hide something personal and record it on a map. Only the initiate knows where and what to look for. It has to be excavated, an act of personal archeology.
We did not design a product in its common sense. We tried to create an enabler for behavior and experience. The surface, the aesthetics just evolves out of the volume of the inner items/value. The form admits enough information for speculation. The finder has to evaluate: To find out what's really inside and align with his presumptions and expectation, he must destroy the shell. Or he doesn´t open it and keeps it as a sculptural object, a Piece of mystery to project his imagination about the inner.
We turned the exhibition into an expedition. We have hidden 3 Items in Vienna, Stockholm and London and made three maps to find them. If you want to see the result, you have to search for it.